Lysario – by Panagiotis Chatzichrisafis

"ούτω γάρ ειδέναι το σύνθετον υπολαμβάνομεν, όταν ειδώμεν εκ τίνων και πόσων εστίν …"

Archive for the ‘Kay: Modern Spectral Estimation, Theory and Application’ Category

In [1, p. 35 exercise 2.14] we are asked to consider the solution to the set of linear equations
\mathbf{R}\mathbf{x}=\mathbf{-r} (1)

where \mathbf{R} is a n \times n hermitian matrix given by:
\mathbf{R}=P_1\mathbf{e_1}\mathbf{e_1}^H+P_2\mathbf{e_2}\mathbf{e_2}^H (2)

and \mathbf{r} is a complex n \times 1 vector given by
\mathbf{r}=P_1 e^{j2\pi f_1}\mathbf{e_1}+P_2 e^{j2\pi f_2}\mathbf{e_2} (3)

The complex vectors are defined in [1, p.22, (2.27)]. Furthermore we are asked to assumed that f_1=k/n, f_2=l/n for k,l are distinct integers in the range [-n/2,n/2-1] for n even and [-(n-1)/2,(n-1)/2] for n odd. \mathbf{x} is defined to be a n \times 1 vector. It is requested to show that \mathbf{R} is a singular matrix (assuming  n>2 ) and that there are infinite number of solutions. A further task is to find the general solution and also the minimum norm solution of the set of linear equations. The hint provided by the exercise is to note that \mathbf{e}_1/\sqrt{n},\mathbf{e}_2/\sqrt{n} are eigenvectors of \mathbf{R} with nonzero eigenvalues and then to assume a solution of the form
\mathbf{x}=\xi_1 \mathbf{e}_1 + \xi_2 \mathbf{e}_2 + \sum\limits_{i=3}^{n}\xi_i \mathbf{e}_i (4)

where \mathbf{e_i}^H\mathbf{e_1}=0, \mathbf{e_i}^H\mathbf{e_2}=0 for i=3,4,...,n and solve for \xi_1, \xi_2. read the conclusion >
In [1, p. 34 exercise 2.13] we are asked to consider the problem of fitting the data \left\{x[0],...,x[N-1]\right\} by the sum of a dc signal and a sinusoid as: \hat{x}=\mu+A_c e^{j2\pi f_0n} \; n=0,1,...,N-1. The complex dc level  \mu and the sinusoidal amplitude A_c are unknown and we are notified that we may view the determination of  \mu , A_c as the solution of the overdetermined set of equations.
\left[\begin{array}{cc}1 & 1 \\ 1 & e^{j2\pi f_{0}} \\ \vdots & \vdots \\ 1 & e^{j2\pi f_{0}(N-1)}\end{array} \right] \cdot \left[\begin{array}{c}\mu \\ A_{c} \end{array} \right] = \left[\begin{array}{c}x[0] \\  \vdots \\ x[N-1] \end{array} \right]. (1)

It is asked to find the least squares solution for  \mu and A_c. If furthermore f_0=k/N, where k is a nonzero integer in the range [-N/2,N/2-1] for N even and  [-(N-1)/2,(N-1)/2] for N odd we are asked to determine again the least squares solution. read the conclusion >
In [1, p. 34 exercise 2.12] we are asked to verify the equations given for the Cholesky decomposition, [1, (2.53)-(2.55)]. Furthermore it is requested to use these equations to find the inverse of the matrix given in problem [1, 2.7]. read the conclusion >
In [1, p. 34 exercise 2.11] we are asked to find the eigenvalues of the circulant matrix given in [1, (2.27),p.22]. read the conclusion >
In [1, p. 34 exercise 2.10] it is asked to prove that if \mathbf{A} is a complex n \times n positive definite matrix and \mathbf{B} is a full rank complex m \times n matrix with m \leq n, then \mathbf{BA}\mathbf{B}^H is also positive definite. read the conclusion >

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