[1, p. 35 exercise 2.16] we are asked to verify the formulas given for the complex gradient of a hermitian and a linear form
[1, p. 31 (2.70)]. To do so, we are instructed to decompose the matrices and vectors into their real and imaginary parts as
The formulas given by
[1, p. 31 (2.70)] are

is a complex

matrix with elements


is a complex

vector with elements


denotes the gradient of a real function in respect to

. Although it is not explicitly stated (neither in the problem nor in the book text) the matrix must be hermitian for the two relations to hold. For Hermitian matrices one can obtain the following relations for the real (
3) and imaginary (
4) parts of the matrix:
A further relation which will be useful for the solution of the problem is the derivation of the formula of the gradient of a quadratic form of a real matrix which is not symmetric. We reproduce
[2, rel. (4) from the solution of exercise 2.15] the formula for the real matrix
![\mathbf{A}_{R} =[a_{ij}]](
and the real vector
And thus
The last relation is a general expression of the gradient of a real matrix.
Expanding the term

by using the real and imaginary parts we obtain:
Using the definition of the complex gradient (
[1, p. 32 (2.69)])

we have to calculate the partial derivatives in respect to


and because of (
4) we obtain the relation
Similar the gradient to the imaginary part of

is obtained by
and because of (
4) we obtain the relation
From (
6) and (
7) we obtain using the definition of the complex gradian:
11 proofs the first part of equations
[1, p. 31 (2.70)].
The second equation can be solved similar by setting

and thus:
The gradient of

in respect to the real and imaginary part of

is obtained by:
while the gradient of

in respect to the real and imaginary part of

is given by
From the previous relations we obtain:
which can be used to find the complex gradient using its definition (
[1, p. 32 (2.69)])

The result (
10) proofs the second part of the equations
[1, p. 31 (2.70)]. QED.
[1] Steven M. Kay: “Modern Spectral Estimation – Theory and Applications”, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-598582-X. [2] Chatzichrisafis: “Solution of exercise 2.15 from Kay’s Modern Spectral Estimation -
Theory and Applications”.
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