[1, p. 60 exercise 3.1] a

real random vector

is given , which is distributed according to a multivatiate Gaussian PDF with zero mean and covariance matrix:
We are asked to find



is given by the relation:
so that


are uncorrelated and hence independent. We are also asked to find the Cholesky decomposition of

which expresses


, where

is lower triangular with 1′s on the principal diagonal and

is a diagonal matrix with positive diagonal elements.
First we note that
From the previous relation we find that
![\mathbf{L}^{-1} = \left[ \begin{array}{cc} 1 & 0 \\ \alpha & 1 \end{array} \right]](
. Furthermore we note that

, because the mean of

equals zero:

. The correlation matrix of

can be determined by:
We can determine

in order for


to be uncorrelated. The two variables are uncorrelated when the off diagonal elements are zero. Thus for

the variables

are uncorrelated, which is only possible when

. Because the random variables

are real the condition

is always fulfilled.

the matrix

can be rewritten as:
We know that Gaussian random variables are independent if they are uncorrelated
[2, p. 154-155]. So far we have only found a condition for

in order to render

uncorrelated. From
[1, p.42] we know that the random variables

are also Gaussian as they are obtained by a linear transform from the Gaussian random variables

. Thus we have found the condition for

in order for

to be uncorrelated and thus independent.
Now let us proceed to find the Cholesky decomposition of

. We first assume that

are such that

is positive definite, a condition which is necessary to decompose the correlation matrix

by Cholesky’s decomposition:
where the elements of the matrix

, assuming

are the elements of the matrix

, are given by
[1, p.30, (2.55)] (see also
[3, relations (10) and (11) ]):
and the elements of the matrix

are given by the relation:
The corresponding elements of the matrices


are thus given by:
Thus the matrices

are given by:
And the matrix

is obtained by the Cholesky decomposition as

While, considering
[1, p. 23, (2.29)] that for two matrices

, the matrix

is given by:
[1] Steven M. Kay: “Modern Spectral Estimation – Theory and Applications”, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-598582-X. [2] Papoulis, Athanasios: “Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes”, McGraw-Hill. [3] Chatzichrisafis: “Solution of exercise 2.12 from Kay’s Modern Spectral Estimation -
Theory and Applications”.
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