Lysario – by Panagiotis Chatzichrisafis

"ούτω γάρ ειδέναι το σύνθετον υπολαμβάνομεν, όταν ειδώμεν εκ τίνων και πόσων εστίν …"

Archive for the ‘Programming’ Category

Export data from Scilab for PSTricks plots

It is possible to load data from a file for plots with PSTricks in TeX. According to the PSTricks manual all that is needed is a file with a list of coordinate pairs delimited by curly braces , parentheses, commas. read the conclusion >
  • Filed under: Programming, Scilab
  • I recently wanted to update my OpenCV installation and try to find out why my usb camera – using the macam drivers – was not working with the libraries installed on my system. So this time i had the intention to dig into the code of OpenCV release. That meant using the easy way – mac ports – to install the OpenCV libraries was not an option. read the conclusion >
  • Filed under: Programming
  • Scilab Startup Configuration on MacOsX

    Sometimes it is useful to have several scripts (with standard definitions) loaded immediately into scilab.
    On MacOsX Scilab executes at startup the first lines of the file .scilab. The file has to be placed (if it does already exist) under the directory:
    If the file isn’t there just create one and call your scripts with the definitions to be loaded into the scilab workspace.

    For example you might want to load definitions of physical constants into the workspace that are defined within ‘physical_constants.sce’. For this purpose add a line like the following into the .scilab file:

  • Filed under: Programming, Scilab
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